Sunday 5 October 2008

This is more like it, some advanced warning. I like this flyer, it's the first time I've ever really tried to draw a person, and while there are some changes I'd make there's a kind of crude elegance to the whole thing, which kind of suits what's going on. Yeah okay, it's just a crap drawing and that's no justification. Who even cares? It'll be a great fucking gig and that's all that matters.

Maybe I'll go into more detail on the bands when I have time, but right now I have to go. It's more than likely I'll forget to do anything else here, so check them out yourself I guess. Or just turn up and see what they're like, I think that's the best way to do it a lot of the time. I've been fully misinformed by listening on Myspace on a number of occasions, and then been blown away by a band I didn't think I'd like. So yeah, come to the gig and see them!

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